Travel report of Secured by Design’s February trip.
February 7th, 2018
The Rise of Cyber Dependency in the Caribbean and Suriname
Michael Tong Sang from Secured by Design B.V. was one of the guest speakers at a major cyber event in Paramaribo, Suriname: The Rise Of Cyber Dependency in the Caribbean and Surinam. Together with Ricardo Soto Escamilla & Krish Dwarkasing they attended the event which was organized by ICT Association Suriname – ICT-As
February 5th, 2018
Security Awareness vs. Cybercrime
An event by Secured by Design, in collaboration with OrgaNice N.V. and the Ramada Paramaribo Princess Hotel.
February 3rd, 2018
Today we inspected the conference room at the Ramada Paramaribo Princess Hotel, which is at our disposal on February 5th. We are proud to announce that the conference room has passed the inspection for our Security Awareness vs. Cyber Crime event.
Collaboration between Secured by Design and Career IT
Today we visited a partner of ours: Career IT. This is a knowledge center in Paramaribo with 2 representative rooms. The first room is classified as a classroom. And the 2nd room is ideal for giving presentations and workshops.
We’re looking forward to our collaboration with Career IT in 2018.
February 1st, 2018